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Frequently Asked Questions

1) How can I book a love-reading with you?

A) You can go to www.valentinatarot.com – and click one of the three buttons then leave your details. I am happy to first give an email consultation, to reveal some of the deeper issues and decisions facing you (and there is always good news, the secret is knowing what choices to make).

2) Why do you charge for your readings, can I have a free one?

A) To show good faith I do offer a free  initial consultation. If you then wish for the solution of a full Venus Love and Relationship Reading; this takes much time and energy to prepare – I too am human with bills to pay 🙂

3) Do you have any testimonials?

A) Yes, a huge amount in fact. I have a page at www.valentinatarot.com/happy and am in the process of adding 100´s more – am giving my web designer this job to do 🙂

4) I don´t have a Paypal account – can I still order?

A) You sure can. When you are directed to Paypal, if you are not a member, simply click on the link “pay by debit or credit card” and all will be fine.

5) Are you Paypal verified?

A) Yes, I am a verified Paypal account holder and also, I do not see myself your card details when you order.

6) Are internet readings just as good as in person?

A) Yes they certainly are. There are no distance restrictions to the spirit and there are the benefits of less distractions with the reading and you can go through your reading over again as many times as you like.

7) When will I get my reading after ordering?

A) I can usually finish your first consultation reading in about 24 hours. the full Venus Reading (that gives the very best solutions, a “lifesaver”) takes about 36 hours from ordering.

8) I live overseas… can I get a reading off you?

A) Yes, as long as you have internet I can read for you.
Many of my most valued clients come from across the world.


What are tarot cards?

Tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards that depict aspects of life and spiritual development. There are four suits with fourteen cards, 1-10 and four court cards – these cards are known collectively as the minor arcana, and are similar in format to a regular deck of playing cards. In addition there are 22 “trump” cards, also known as the major arcana, which represent more significant stages of life and the spiritual journey of the soul. Taken together, the 78 cards are intended to represent all the possible cycles of life and experiences that one might encounter.

Tarot cards are used to explore the journey of the soul through life, or through many lifetimes. The cards are used by many to study the cycles of life, develop a personal or spiritual philosophy, and for meditation and guidance. In addition, they can be used to “read” the energies surrounding a situation and give useful advice, understanding, and guidance. No-one knows exactly how they work, although there are many theories. Tarot cards contain symbolism that is deeply imprinted on our subconscious and collective mind, and through these symbols may draw out what is buried in our own minds and souls and bring it to light, where we can examine them and learn to apply these universal concepts to our own life. Many readers believe they have a psychic connection to their clients, while others believe that they draw energy or information from guides or from a collective universal energy or mind. Whatever the mechanism – and it may be different for each reader – it is apparent that they do “work”.

Where did tarot cards come from?

Our knowledge about the origin of tarot cards is incomplete. We do know that they were developed in 15th-century in northern Italy, although we don’t know by whom. The oldest known decks appeared in connection with certain wealthy Italian families, and were originally used for playing a parlour game called Tarocchi, a trick-taking game with trumps, or Triumphs. The mystical and divination practices associated with Tarot are widely believed to have originated in the 18th century. The study of tarot took a significant step forward in the 19th century, with the formation of a mystical society called the Golden Dawn, whose members reorganized the tarot decks into a format that was more internally consistent, drew from the magickal and qabalistic traditions of western mysticism, and integrated astrological and numerological concepts into the symbolism of the cards. These decks are known as the Rider-Waite-Smith decks collectively, and are the basis for most traditional decks you see in use today.

In more recent years, various authors and artists have developed decks in other traditions, including Pagan, Shamanistic, Wiccan, Native American, African, and decks developed by and for women (most of the early decks were developed by men, and they have a decidedly different focus and feel to them). These decks provide a variety of multicultural alternatives to the largely European Rider-Waite decks, and examples of many of these approaches, both traditional and multicultural, can be found on the Decks page.

What do the cards look like?

There are hundreds of tarot decks, no two alike. Examples of some can be seen on the Decks page. In addition to the “traditional” 19th and early 20th century decks, there are decks with every possible flavor and orientation, and quite a few that focus on specific types of artwork, mythology and legends, nature, even science fiction and fantasy. Each author, through their artwork, is expressing his or her “vision” for the tarot, and as a result, the card meanings and interpretations can vary significantly from one deck to another. It is a good idea to review the decks and choose one that feels right to you, or one where you are particularly drawn to the artwork. Choosing the right deck will result in readings that are more personally meaningful and enjoyable to receive.

What kinds of layouts do you use?

I use a wide variety of layouts, many of which I developed myself to answer questions that come up frequently. You can view the layouts that I use most frequently on the Readings page, and see examples of each type of reading.

What kinds of questions can I ask?

You can ask almost any type of question, covering any area of life or personal development. The question can be about the past, present, or future, about your life, relationships, your partner, your intended partner and all matters of love and the heart. If you ask about the future, please be aware that your future is not predetermined, and many things may affect or change it, including your actions and decisions and those of others, and random events. The future you will see is only what can be predicted based on events and energies that are already in motion, and represents the most likely future based on the path you are on now. You can always change what you see, and so can others.

Because tarot is designed to represent all aspects of life, there is really no question you cannot ask. However, there are a few questions we cannot answer, for ethical and liability reasons. Because I am not a trained doctor, lawyer, or investment counselor, I cannot answer questions of a medical, legal, or investment nature. For these questions, I recommend you seek the assistance of a professional. So for example, I am ethically and legally required not to answer questions such as whether you are pregnant, what stock you should invest in, or whether you should sue your employer. However, I can help you with other aspects of these situations, including emotional and personal issues, coping strategies, general courses of action or alternatives analysis. Please read my Code of Ethics below for more information.

Finally, the question you ask should be about you and your relationships with others. Doing readings that are solely focused on another person is considered unethical and may invade their privacy.

What is your Code of Ethics?

A tarot reader’s personal code of ethics protect both you, the client, and me, the reader. Here is my code of ethics:

Code of Ethics

1. I will honestly report what I see in the reading, and will do my best to provide helpful interpretations of any card that may come up, good or bad.

2. I will ensure that my clients are aware that their actions may affect the outcome of any reading and that they know they have free will and the responsibility to exercise it.

3. I will not give legal, medical, or investment advice, nor any other professional advice for which I am not qualified.

4. I will not conduct readings on anyone other than the client, or any other reading which violates my personal ethics.

5. I will do readings in such a way that they provide help and assistance to all involved. Readings will be compassionate and responsible, and will offer solutions to problems. If it is not possible to answer a question without actual or potential harm to the client or others, the question will be rephrased or the reading declined.

6. I will be prompt, honest, friendly and respectful in all communications and transactions with my clients.

What does it mean if I get reversed cards?

A “reversed” card is a card that comes up upside-down in the reading. Many tarot books you will find have assigned some pretty negative meanings to reversed cards, but most tarot readers don’t read them that way. Every card has positive and negative aspects, although there are some cards that are mostly positive or mostly negative regardless of whether they are upright or reversed. The meaning of a reversed card varies quite a bit with the situation, but can include any of the following:

  • – an area in which you are having difficulty or problems
  • – an energy, resource, or path forward which is available but temporarily blocked
  • – something which is not likely to happen (requires several reversed cards)
  • – something that is hidden or deceptive
  • – something that needs to be released or let go of
  • – a negative influence or unhelpful person
  • – negative aspects of a personality (court cards)
  • – something that is very far in the future or which is not ready to happen yet
  • – any alternative meaning assigned by the reader before the reading

Can tarot readings predict the future?

Reading tarot is a bit like reading weather charts – you can look at things that have already happened and historical patterns, what is happening now, what energies are forming, and the natural consequences of these trends into the future. However, the future is affected by your free will and that of others, and every action you take and decision you make changes it. The future, like the weather, is also affected by random and unpredictable events. Tarot can show you an extension of the path you are already on or events that are a probable result of things that are already happening, and hence a likely future. But it may not be able to show you things that are very far out in the future, things that are strongly dependent on the future actions of others or decisions that have not yet been made, or outcomes that are strongly influenced by random factors – such as gambling. Any attempt to “predict” events that cannot reasonably be considered a natural outcome of a current trend is considered fortune-telling, which is strongly discouraged by most ethical readers and is illegal in some states.

Can I change the outcome of my reading?

Always. Your future is not predetermined, and you have free will, along with the right and responsibility to exercise it. A tarot reading should never be accepted as an absolute prediction of things to come, but rather an encouragement if you are on the right path, or a warning of what may come if you continue down a destructive path. Tarot readings should be considered tools for making positive changes in your own life and for understanding the influences at work in any situation. Clients have the ultimate responsibility for using this information and making their own decisions.

What if I have questions about the reading afterwards?

Please feel free to e-mail me with your questions at info@valentinatarot.com. I will usually respond within a day or so.

Is it possible to have a reading over the telephone or in person?

At this time, to protect my privacy and that of my family, I do not do in-person readings.

How soon will I receive my reading?

Following receipt of your payment, the time required to conduct your reading depends on the size of the reading. Readings up to 10 cards are likely to be done within a day, larger readings within 2-3 days, depending on my workload. On rare occasions (such as vacations, illness, or business travel) it may take longer. I will always acknowledge receipt of your payment with an e-mail, and will let you know when to expect your reading at that time.

What do you do with my personal information?

Your personal information is only used to conduct the reading and to communicate with you about your reading. It will never be given, sold, or otherwise provided to anyone. I need your birthdate to ensure that you are at least 18 years of age, and it is also helpful for numerological and astrological aspects of the reading. Your gender is important for an accurate reading. Your contact information is only used to communicate about and send you your readings.


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